Thursday, June 10, 2010

Ladies Aid Strawberry Festival

  • 1618 biscuits, homemade by 25 volunteers starting at 8AM on Tuesday
  • 800 quarts of strawberries, from South Windsor
  • 144 quarts real whipping cream
The Ladies Aid Society served their Strawberry Shortcakes at the Third Congregational Church in Westfield on Thursday, something they have been doing since about 1875. They made hundreds and hundreds of people happy (and stuffed!) with homemade early summer strawberry goodness.

Lorraine Andrews (pictured) told us that when she first came to this many years ago, it was a full ham dinner, with shortcakes for dessert. Apparently at some point they decided to get rid of the distractions and cut right to dessert. What wisdom!

1 comment:

  1. The shortcake was delicious...we look forward to this tradition every year...your shortcake is the best in Middletown! My 3 year old gobbled his up in record time this year. Thank you again Third Congregational Church and all the volunteers for making this happen.


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