Thursday, June 10, 2010

Joe Lieberman, Jodi Rell to Speak at Army Base Ground-Breaking Ceremony

The Army Reserve will be hosting a ground-breaking ceremony on Friday, at 11 A.M, for the Armed Forces Reserve Center being built in the former Cucia Park on Smith Street. Senator Lieberman, Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro, Governor Jodi Rell, and Mayor Seb Giuliano will speak at the event.

The $54M AFRC is a result of Federal legislation which mandated that the Army Corps of Engineers build a military training site in Middletown. The Cucia Park site was selected after a year of engagement between the Army Corps of Engineers and Middletown residents. After two aborted site selections, Mayor Giuliano convened a panel which included Council members Ron Klattenberg and Phil Pessina and several other city residents (disclosure: I was one of them). The Mayor's panel recommended Cucia Park for the Army base, and after extensive review, the Corps of Engineers agreed.

DeLauro, Attorney General Richard Blumenthal, Secretary of State Susan Bysiewicz, State Senator Paul Doyle, and State Legislators Gail Hamm and Ray Kalinowski participated in discussions with the Army about their site selection. Many of them are likely to attend the ground-breaking ceremony, along with others such as Joe Serra and Matt Lesser.

The actual ground-breaking began a few weeks ago, when DeRita Construction and KBE Building Corporation began to level the land for construction.

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