Thursday, May 20, 2010

Minority Leader on Council Decries Scheduling of Meeting

From Councilman Phil Pessina

This display of arrogance against the minority members of the council, is indicative of their total disregard for the public to avoid debate over the issue dealing with the Board of Ed,  Also, they truly are displaying their cowardliness to engage not only in debate but also trying to force a meeting when in fact they have the 8 votes to override the Mayor's veto; if they have the votes anyway, are they afraid to face the opportunity, that maybe our presentation may sway two of their members to vote with the minority, who just might have some sound arguments supporting the Mayor's veto.

They have truly lost touch with the public and have avoided the necessary issue of transparency in government!


This is the letter Pessina sent to his Council colleagues: 

Councilman Serra,

I was apprised through the Middletown Press and this attached e mail today, Wednesday, May 19th, 2010 that you are requesting that we have a Special Council Meeting this Friday, May 21, 2010.

Why are we deviating from the proper protocol that we the council (Republican & Democratic members) have done in the past, by always communicating between the Majority & Minority Leaders to schedule special meetings in a bipartisan manner.  In our respective leadership roles, we need to continue to enhance communications not limit it between the both of us.

I am somewhat perplexed that this meeting is being requested without any due regard to the 4 Republican Minority members & the Mayor's unavailability in such a quick manner, lest I remind you that the cut off date for the review of the Mayor's veto is next Friday, May 28th, 2010. 

I am somewhat disappointed by the lack of decorum and respect for the Republican Council members, which you as the Majority Leader are currently displaying, as you try to force this meeting to occur on a date and time that we are all unavilable to attend.  This Friday, May 22 and weekend, is the date that coincidentally the Republican members and Mayor are unavailable due to their delegate responsiblities to the Republican State Convention occurring during this weekend and the fact that I will be out of town for my daughter's wedding; all of which you clearly had prior knowledge of by our conversations over this past weekend.

What is driving this push for an expedient Special Meeting, in light of the unavailability of the minority members of the council?   I believe you owe it to ALL of the members of the council and the public we were elected to serve to be forthcoming with an explanation, since you have not tried to call or notify me as Minority Leader concerning your request to meet this Friday;  the last I knew the voters of Middletown elected '12' members to the council, not 8!   Therefore, would you please explain why this meeting needs to happen so quickly? 

In my particular case, you have had many conversations with me, where you have stated that family is first to our duties on the council; matter of fact you protested in the past that the Public Safety Meetings which were usually held at 5pm, is too early for you as you need to spend your dinner time with your family.  Isn't that true in my case with my daughter's wedding? 

So we the Republican members, are protesting your move for this meeting to be held in 48 hours and without proper notice to the Minority members!

With respect to you and your Majority Members, I would offer the following dates of availability for this Special Common Council Meeting, which could be held on Monday, May 24th, Wednesday, May 26th or Friday, May 28th, 2010.

I am asking that in the spirit of good, transparent government and in a true bipartisan manner, that you reconsider your request, so that all of our council can be part of this veto debate, which our city constituents expect to occur in an open government forum.

Thank you for your anticipated response to our concerns and I hope that you will reconsider your position on this meeting, so that good and open government can occur in our City of Middletown, as we have always done in the past.

Councilman Pessina, Phil
Minority Leader

1 comment:

  1. Stop in the Name of St. Sebastian!!!! Anyone remember pessina doing this? It was hilarious!


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