Thursday, May 20, 2010

Middletown Press Acquires Police Report On BOE Controversy

The Middletown Press published a police report filed Monday which provides background for the assignment of a police guard at the School Administration building Saturday by the mayor and the Chief of Police.

The report suggests that the police had information about misuse of school funds, including the creation of "miscellaneous account codes" from which vendors were paid for work which should have been paid through specific allocation of funds from other line items.  In addition the report notes that a grant for Youth Services was diverted to pay for renovations of a building, and not for Youth Services.

In addition, the police report indicates that the Police Department had information that certain employees would be gathering at the Board of Education administration building on Saturday to "possibly alter, destroy or tamper with evidence."

According to the report, with this information, the mayor and the Chief of Police decided to post a guard at the Board of Education Administration Building.

The police report, as published by the Middletown Eye can be read in full below.

BOE probe                                                                                                                                               

1 comment:

  1. Great job Ed. Thanks for keeping us informed.


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