Saturday, September 14, 2024

ZOOM Genealogy Club - Saturday, September 28, 2024

Image Source:  Library of Congress

HOST:  Godfrey Memorial Library, Middletown, CT

TOPIC:  Deciphering Old Handwriting 

SPEAKER:  Pam Vestal

DATE:  Saturday, September 28, 2024

TIME:  1:30 PM (Eastern Time)

On Saturday, September 28, Pam Vestal will present Part I of Deciphering Old Handwriting.

Pam did a great presentation for the Godfrey's Genealogy Club back in March and April on researching Eastern European ancestors. This month and next month, we welcome her with her two-part presentation/workshop on deciphering early handwritten documents. We hope you will find it to be a huge help!

The Zoom presentation will take place at 1:30 pm (ET).  Please register by 4:00 PM Friday, September 27.  The invite will be sent out on that Friday.

Godfrey Premium members can register for free at the following email:

If you are not a Godfrey Premium member and want to attend the presentation, you can pay $10 via PayPal ( with the payment sent to Godfrey Memorial Library.  Then register using the above email.

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