Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Circophony’s Cirque du Schooleil: Operation Snakeout opens March 2

Circophony Teen Circus presents Cirque du Schooleil: Operation Snakeout March 2 - 4 in Middletown.

The latest original Circus-Theater piece by Circophony Teen Circus tells the tale of Nero, a ball python who is also a high school mascot, and the unlikely group of friends who set out on a mission to save him from life in a cage. Directed by Allison McDermott, 

Cirque du Schooleil: Operation Snakeout runs March 2 -4  at Oddfellows Playhouse in Middletown. Performances are at 7 pm on March 2, 3 and 4, and there is also a 2 pm matinee performance on Saturday, March 4. The performance on Thursday, March 2 is a “pay-what-you-can” Preview.

Cirque du Schooleil: Operation Snakeout includes acrobatics, juggling, contortion, stilt walking, unicycling and more. Circophony Teen Circus is a collaboration between Oddfellows Playhouse Youth Theater and the Middletown-based theater company ARTFARM.  This year’s show includes a cast of 12 trained performers ages 12 to 20. McDermott has created an original circus-theater piece annually for the past 6  years and it is a highlight of winter in Middletown. This winter’s show features acrobatics and contortion choreography by Naja Muller and equilibristics and capoeira choreography by Joel Melendez. Scenic design is by Luke Reinwald, costume design by Marion Imbruglio, lighting design by Jon-Paul LaRocco, sound design by Rowan Trowbridge-Wheeler, and properties design by Artemisia Omani and Patience Armstrong. Technical direction by Myke Halpin.

Oddfellows Playhouse is located at 128 Washington Street in Middletown. Tickets for Cirque du Schooleil: Operation Snakeout are $15 for adults and $8 for students and may be purchased at www.oddfellows.org or by emailing info@oddfellows.org or calling (860) 347-6143.

Circophony’s Cirque du Schooleil  is made possible with generous support from the Connecticut Office of the Arts/DECD; Middletown Commission on the Arts; City of Middletown Health Department; The Fund for Greater Hartford; State of Connecticut Judicial Branch (Youth Violence Prevention); Evan Boyd Knoll Memorial Fund; Middletown Youth Services Bureau; Thomas J. Atkins Memorial Trust Fund; Middlesex United Way; CHEFA CT Cultural Fund; and many generous individual donors.

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