Saturday, August 6, 2022


RTC Camper Audrina Charneco cools off in the Camp Nerden pool part of Olympic Day on Friday, July 22, 2022.By Frank L
RTC Camper Julian Shaw-Izquirdo Hits The Ball For The Home Run Derby During Camp Nerden's Olympic Day On Friday, July 22, 2022. Photo FRANK LOGIUDICE





RTC Camper Frank Stange Hits The Ball For The Home Run Derby & It Is A Home Run Part Of Camp Nerden's Olympic Day On Friday, July 22, 2022. Photo By Frank Logiudice

The 2020 Summer Olympics are history but that did not stop the campers at the John J. Nerden Regional Training Camp in Middlefield from preparing for the XXXIII Summer Olympiad in 2024.  On July 23rd Camp Nerden held their annual "Olympics Day," where the RTC Campers honed their sports skills. The sports that were offered were basketball, football toss, home run derby, volleyball, frisbee throw, and swimming. Even the extreme heat could not dampen the Olympic Spirit and enthusiasm of the RTC Campers. There were smiles galore on the campers' faces.


RTC Camper Jared Carbo Aims For The Basket During "Olympic Day" At Camp Nerden On Friday,July 22, 2022. Carbo Did Score & He Made The Basket. Photo By Frank LoGiudice

Why "Olympic Day?"  According to Camp Director Sue Chenard "They always had it. Our campers look forward to it.  They enjoy it."  The "Olympic Day" held at Camp Nerden is not associated with the Special Olympics even though several of their campers compete in the Special Olympics events, commented Chenard.  


 L-R: : Kneeling RTC Staff Eliza DeNegris, Volunteers Eliana & Brayden Fraschilla Share A Laugh With RTC Camper Clinton Parente At The Camp Nerden's Pool. Photo By Frank LoGiudice

Camp Nerden serves people with intellectual disabilities and campers can start attending when they are 6 years old and there is no age limit when people must stop attending camp, stated Chenard. Camp Nerden does not charge a fee for the campers to attend.  It is funded by local civic groups like the Meriden & Middletown Civitans and the towns the campers reside. The camp season began June 27th and ends on August 12th. The camp runs Monday-Friday from 9 a.m.-3 p.m.  According to Chenard the camp averages about 50-60 campers daily with 18 staff supplemented with a daily average of about 30 "Counselors In Training" volunteers.


RTC Camper Jake Cafiero Throws The Frisbee and He Made It Through The Hoop Part of Camp Nerden's Olympic Day-Photo By Frank Logiudice

L-R: RTC Camper Jake Cafiero & Volunteer Brayden Fraschilla Have Some Fun In The Camp Nerden's Pool During Olympic Day. Photo By Frank LoGiudice

Camp Nerden is still taking the COVID-19 Pandemic seriously.  Director Chenard stated, "We try to social distance for precaution. Some campers choose to wear masks.  It is not mandatory.  We have hand sanitizers lots of it.  We do extra cleaning."


L-R: RTC Campers Eddie Poole, Logan King, Jon Bennett, & Logan Solomon cool off and share a laugh in the Camp Nerden Pool during Olympic Day on Friday, July 22, 2022.Photo By Frank LoGiudice

How do the RTC Campers feel about Camp Nerden & Olympic Day?  Camper Logan King of Durham loves going into the pool at camp.  "I like sports, especially basketball," stated King. King does Unified Sports in school and will be in the 7th grade at Strong Middle School in the fall.  Camper Evan Kane, also of Durham stated, "I like to play basketball and shoot hoops at camp." Kane will also be in the 7th grade.  Durham camper Chris Naples loves the outdoor recreation activities at camp such as playing tug of war and swimming in the pool. 


L-R: VolunteerJoe Bugai, Camper Chris McGrath & Volunteer Michael Sigal at Camp Nerden. Photo By Frank LoGiudice.

"I love it!", stated RTC Staff Nicole Tiezzi of Meriden regarding her experiences at camp. She has been at camp for a total of 12 years, five as a volunteer and seven as a staff. Tiezzi started when she was age 10. She became involved because her two sisters were volunteers and employed at Camp Nerden. Not only that but her grandfather Ben Tiezzi also of Meriden played a role in building Camp Nerden according to Tiezzi.  She stated further, "I love what I do here.  I have been here forever.  It is my home."


If you have not been vaccinated against the COVID-19 Virus, please get your shot.  If you have please do not forget to get your booster shot too and if you are eligible for a second booster get that one also.  To find out how please go to

Now Batting RTC Camper Logan King eyes the ball & it is a "Grand Slam" for the Home Run Derby part of the Olympic Day at Camp Nerden on Friday, July 22, 2022. Behind King is Volunteer Eliana Fraschilla.

RTC Camper Audrina Charneco Just Experienced The Thrill Of Victory From Her Fantastic Swim During Camp Nerden's Olympic Day. Photo By FRANK LOGIUDICE

For more information, please go to, or call 860-349-9826.  Their mailing address is P.O. Box 2617 - Meriden, CT 06451.


Enjoy the videos!






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