Friday, February 18, 2022

Composting for Our Climate Video and Poster Contest

Mayor Ben Florsheim is pleased to announce the City’s first Composting for Our Climate Video and
Poster Contest.  Winning videos will be spotlighted on the City of Middletown website, social media and public access television. Winning posters will be enlarged and displayed on Middletown Area Transit buses that circulate through the City. 

The Composting for Our Climate Contest offers local students an opportunity to highlight their talents and help fight climate change.  Middletown students, Grades K – 12, are encouraged to create a video public service announcement, or a poster, that highlights how composting reduces climate change.  

 Composting is a natural, controlled process, which breaks down organic material such as leaves and food waste, and turns it into a valuable soil amendment.  Composting helps protect our climate and has numerous environmental benefits.  Food scraps in landfills generate methane gas, a potent greenhouse gas.  Food scraps burned at trash incinerators contribute to harmful climate pollutants and, because they are wet, are more difficult to burn. Once organic materials are composted, the end product, the compost, can be applied to land to make it a healthier soil and reduce global warming. 

Any Middletown student in Kindergarten – Grade 12 may participate.   Poster entries must be submitted in person at Russell Library or the Department of Public Works (located in City Hall), or emailed to by 4:30 p.m. on May 2, 2022.  Videos must be submitted through a requested link.  The link must be requested by April 29, 2022 from   Entries may be made by individuals or teams of up to four students.  All entries must be accompanied with a permission form completed by a parent or guardian.  

As mentioned above, winning videos will be posted on the City of Middletown website, social media and public access cable television.   Winning posters will be displayed on Middletown Area Transit (MAT) buses.  Also, all winners will also receive a $25 Downtown Middletown Gift Card.  Second place winners will receive a $25 gift certificate towards Middletown Recreation programming.  All posters will be on display at Russell Library.  

Further information, rules, forms and helpful tips can be found here.  Please read the contest rules carefully. Entries must follow all the rules in order to be considered. 

This program is brought to you by Middletown Public Works, Middletown Recreation and Community Services, Russell Library, Middletown Commission on the Arts, and Middletown Area Transit.  For more information, contact 

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