Thursday, December 2, 2021

Opinion, by David Roane: Open Letter to the Anti-Racism Task Force

(The following was submitted by David Roane, a longtime Middletown resident, veteran and member of the Charter Revision Commission.  His opinions are his own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of other members of the Charter Revision Commission or other Middletown Eye authors or editors. The Eye welcomes reader submissions: 

Note: The Anti-Racism Task Force sent recommendations to the Mayor on October 26, see previous post.

Esteemed Anti-Racism Task Force Members:

I'm/we are calling on the Mayor’s Anti-Racism Taskforce to step up and intervene in the matter of the allegations of “inappropriate workplace treatment and conduct of harassment, bullying, and intimidation’ of school staff against Superintendent of Schools Michael T. Conner.

A union coalition, staff, community members, residents, school staff, as well as our city political (Past and Present) representatives who are claiming alleged “inappropriate workplace treatment and conduct of harassment, bullying, and intimidation of", against our School’s first Black Superintendent of Schools Dr. Michael T. Conner?

By the way, now these same people are stepping-up their attacks, by going public with similar allegations and going public with lies and untruth against Chairwoman Deborah Cain, and the legal counsel for the Board of Education, and the school district. Both are Black Women. Demanding that both should be taken out of having anything to do with the investigation? Let’s not forget the calling for Chief Academic Officer Alberto Vázquez-Matos, now acting superintendent to step aside too. The picture is noticeably a clear case of discrimination and racism. Isn’t it odd that when names are being named, they are all person of color?

Lastly, the call for action to your body is because the City of Middletown EEO Office, and just as importantly, our city NAACP cannot and will not do a complete and fair investigation. Why? I am glad you asked. Because Faith Jackson is hired by the city as EEO Director and is President of the local Branch NAACP. She, as EEO Director, has been questioned by our City Council, where it was brought out, and she admitted to, when questioned on her office's position calling for an investigation. She did not do all the interviewing as she stated, and also admits she did not talk with one of the persons she named. As for her position of President of the local NAACP, a letter has been sent to the State of Connecticut NAACP, asking that they take over any and all investigations being done by the local branch, pointing out it’s a conflict of interest. If there is a conflict-of-interest while Faith Jackson has association with the state level, it will escalate to the National NAACP.

In addition, it is very disingenuous of Council Pessina and Councilman Nocera who sit on this board to question the caliber of impartiality from Chairwoman Cain. It implies that anyone of color is not able to execute their duties if another person color is involved. Would this be the case if the chairperson were a white person? I believe not. In addition, the four unions questioning the integrity of Chairwoman Cain through a letter sent to the common council and mayor is inappropriate and micro-aggressive in tone. Once again, we are here questioning and vilifying another leader of color in our community.

This is again about a pure case of discrimination and racism. This is just the reason Mayor Ben Florsheim, upon being elected, established the “Mayor’s Anti-Racism Task Force". I beseech you to act worthy of your mission and to act now. I implore you to ensure that Chairwoman Cain and the Board of Education are allowed to perform the jobs they were elected to do just as the Common Council expects the community and other entities to stay in their lane and be allowed to perform their own duties which DOES NOT include oversight of the Board of Education.

We elect Common Council members to do their jobs and the Board of Education does not meddle in their work. We as the black and brown community expect the city and common council members to let our elected black board chair to do her job without pre- questioning her integrity and competence

Please read this letter aloud for the record and added as an item to be discussed publicly in your next meeting.

David Roane  

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