Thursday, November 11, 2021

Thom Pattavina Elected Chair of Planning and Zoning

 The annual election of officers by the Planning and Zoning Commission went rapidly and smoothly this year. Clearly the two caucuses had met and come to an agreement about who would be in each position. Each vote was unanimous, 7 - 0.

  • Chair, Thom Pattavina
  • Vice-chair, Nick Fazzino
  • Secretary, Shanay Fulton
  • Representative to the regional council of governments (RiverCoG), Catherine Johnson
  • Alternate representative to RiverCoG, Kellin Atherton.
The City Planner, Marek Kozikowski, reported that staffing in the Land Use Department was improving, with an administrative assistant starting November 22nd, and the Environmental Planner returning to duty. He said there were 8 applicants for the position of Deputy Planner, these are being screened by the Human Resources Department. 

1 comment:

  1. A tragedy that former Chairman Steve Devoto won’t be on the commission.
    Paul Torop


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