Monday, November 22, 2021

City of Middletown Announces Grants for Agricultural Initiatives

The Middletown Commission on Conservation and Agriculture announces grant funding to support development of agriculture and farming in the City. The Commission is accepting proposals for this grant funding as part of Middletown’s broader efforts to promote agriculture. Grants will be awarded up to a maximum of $25,000, until all available funds have been allocated.  The source of the funding is the most recent Open Space and Recreation Bond, approved by the Middletown residents in 2020. As recommended by the Commission on Conservation and Agriculture, bond funds may be utilized for agricultural uses and improvements.

The grant funds are intended for projects that will improve current farming operations; develop new farming initiatives; improve food access and distribution; support infrastructure needs; implement sustainable agricultural practices and emerging technologies; and promote community education about farming. We will have a special interest in supporting beginning farmers, veteran farmers, and farmers from BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) communities.

Examples of projects we will fund include:

·         New equipment or repairs for existing agricultural equipment

·         Repairs, additions or renovations to buildings and infrastructure used for agriculture

·         Purchase of land for agricultural purposes

·         Purchase of livestock  

·         Expansion of, improvements to or development of community gardens or CSAs

·         Development of new markets for sale of agricultural products

·         Consultant expense associated with new agriculture start-up and investments

·         Technical assistance for conservation planning and implementation of new practices, including local match required for other grants

·         Diversifying agricultural operations

·         New agricultural business opportunities  

To apply for a grant, please contact James Sipperly, Environmental Planner with the Middletown Department of Land Use, to request an application form at 860-638-4593 or  The deadline for submitting applications is December 30, 2021, 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time. 


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