Thursday, October 14, 2021

Brian Gartner, Planning and Zoning Candidate

 Submitted by Brian Gartner. The Eye welcomes reader submissions,


Dear voter, 

First and foremost I would like to introduce myself. My name is Brian Gartner, and I am running for the Planning and Zoning Commission. I am hoping to seek your support in running for this elected office. This past week I was one of the individuals endorsed by the Middletown Democratic Town Committee to run for a vacancy on the Planning & Zoning Commission.

For a little background on myself. I was born and raised in Middletown. I attended Middletown Public Schools, and Vinal Technical High School. I am the proud father of three young men. I am a lifelong Democrat. My family has called Middletown home for over one hundred and ten years. This wonderful City has provided a home for five generations of my family including my own children. My interest in political matters begun at a very young age. My maternal grandmother was very involved in political matters here in town, and helped laid the seed for my future involvement. 

I currently serve as a member on five City Commissions/Committees, and have served on six overall. 

I currently serve on the following: 

  1. Commission on Conservation & Agriculture 
  2. Inland/Wetlands and Watercourses Agency
  3. Water Pollution Control Authority
  4. Mattabassett Regionalization Building Committee 
  5. Mayor’s Task Force on Anti-Racism

I have served as the Vice Chairman of the Middletown Commission on Conservation and Agriculture for the last five years, and I have been a member of that body, and its predecessor body for about a year prior. Both the IWWA & the CCA are advisory bodies to P&Z, and I personally believe seeking election to the P&Z is the next logical step to take. 

I initially brought diversity to CC/CCA by bringing a new generation into the fold that was previously unrepresented. 

I personally have seen how much Middletown has changed and evolved over the course of the last thirty plus years. I believe we are at a pivotal moment in the history of Middletown. We are currently at the crossroads of several major projects including probably the biggest one of our generation which is reconnecting our residents with our greatest natural resource which is the Connecticut River. We are at a point where decisions we make now will undoubtedly impact future generations to come, just as past decisions have impacted each and every one of us. We have the chance to undue countless planning mistakes of the past, and create a cohesive, pedestrian friendly, green, vibrant, and economically successful City for all of our residents to enjoy.

Participation on a board or commission is one of the most effective steps citizens can take in having an active voice in their government. The opportunity to serve as an appointed official has been a fantastic and rewarding experience for me. I hope that by seeking elected office it will lead to continued opportunities to serve my community. I hope to help expand upon the work that the current DTC has already begun. During the time I have been involved with civic activities I have continually advocated for projects that would increase the quality of life for all residents of Middletown to enjoy. 

I would also like to reiterate my support for democratic issues and causes. I look forward to working with each and every one of you to continue to help better our City. If you have any questions, want to schedule a meeting, or just want to chat, please don’t hesitate to contact me via email or telephone. 


Brian K. Gartner Jr.

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