Thursday, February 4, 2021

RECYCLING News: An idea whose time has come?

Kenyan woman's method to recycle plastic
waste into bricks stronger than concrete.

Small Revolution:
From Bottles to Bricks--From Kenya to Connecticut

--Catherine Garcia
   Yahoo! News,
   Thu, February 4, 2021

Kenyan woman finds a way to recycle plastic waste into bricks that are stronger than concrete.

    Using her ingenuity and engineering skills, Nzambi Matee found a way to help the environment by converting plastic waste into building materials.

   In 2017, Matee opened a factory in Nairobi called Gjenge Makers, where workers take plastic waste, mix it with sand, and heat it up, with the resulting brick being five to seven times stronger than concrete. The factory accepts waste that other facilities "cannot process anymore, they cannot recycle," Matee told Reuters. "That is what we get."

See story at: 

1 comment:

  1. Anne-Marie C. McEwenFebruary 19, 2021 at 1:12 PM

    Fascinating!! How ingenious!! Thanks :)


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