Monday, February 24, 2020

Auditions for Romeo and Juliet

Young people ages 14 - 20 are invited to audition for Oddfellows Playhouse 's Teen Repertory Company production of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet
Please register for one of the two audition evenings - March 2 and 5, 6:30 - 9 pm. No preparation is required, but we ask auditioners to arrive on time, dress to move,  and plan to stay for the entire 2 1/2 hours. 
The production  will be directed by ARTFARM Artistic Director Marcella Trowbridge. Rehearsals will be Monday and Thursday evenings starting March 23, and performances will be May 14 - 16 and 21 - 23. 
There is a $250 tuition fee for the Teen Rep Company, but financial aid and work-study options are available for all who need it. 
For more info, or to register, email or call (860) 347-6143.

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