Monday, January 20, 2020

Smarter Living: What to do with a day off

Excerpt from The New York Times Smarter Living e-newsletter. Worth reposting.
Let's just enjoy.
            (enewsletter)            January 20, 2020
 Author Headshot

     If you’re fortunate enough to have today off from work, the most important thing on your to-do list is to actually take the day off. Studies have shown that people send only 40 percent less email on holiday Mondays compared with regular Mondays. (Thank you, smartphones and tablets.) Not only that, but taking time to let your brain rest and recover “literally makes us more creative, better at problem-solving, better at coming up with creative ideas.”
So, great, we’re all out of work mode and ready to enjoy the day. But what to do? Here are a few suggestions on how best to spend your day off.

     Yes, yes, you’re busy, I’m busy, we’re busy-ing ourselves to exhaustion. But if you have today off, take a conscious stand against all this busyness. Being busy — if we even are busy — is rarely the status indicator we’ve come to believe it is. Nonetheless, the impact is real, and instances of burnout, anxiety disorders and stress-related diseases are on the rise . . .

   Let's just enjoy. . .

1 comment:

  1. Um, not sure a day honoring Dr. Martin Luther Kin, Jr is best spent being "lazy".


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