Thursday, October 17, 2019

Today! Master Beekeeper Talk & Networking

The Rockfall Foundation’s October Meet Your Greens networking meet-up is happening today, October 17th at Vero Cucino Rustico Restaurant, 749 Saybrook Road, Middletown. Join us for drinks, food, and conversation 5:30 to 7:30 pm. Guest speaker Bill Hesbach will be talking about honey bees and native pollinators. We’ll learn how our pollinator population influences the health of our environment.

Bill Hesbach is a Certified Master Beekeeper who teaches bee biology and basic beekeeping in Connecticut and throughout the United States. Bill is president of the Connecticut Queen Breeders Cooperative, serves on the board of the Connecticut Beekeepers Association, and works with the Eastern Apicultural Society as an educator and evaluator of aspiring Master Beekeepers. Bill also holds monthly “Bee Talks” at deKoven House where beekeepers from all over the state gather to share beekeeping knowledge. He was recently named a recipient of a Certificate of Appreciation by The Rockfall Foundation for his contributions to environmental conservation.

Vero Cucino Rustico is located in the TradeWinds plaza. We have a private dining room reserved for the gathering. Please join us! Bill's talk will start around 6pm, with socializing before and afterwards.

Meet Your Greens: Middletown Green Drinks is a monthly event providing networking opportunities for anyone who is interested in making connections and exchanging news about emerging environmental issues to help keep Lower Connecticut River Valley communities green. An official location of Green Drinks International, this informal monthly gathering of people drawn from the community, nonprofit groups and the business world offers time to brainstorm ideas and plant seeds for collaboration. All are welcome and there is no admission fee, unless otherwise noted. For more information, please visit The Rockfall Foundation’s website.

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