Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Opinion: I Trust Florsheim To Lead

Submitted by Dr. Anthony Mangiafico
Ben Florsheim is the leader that Middletown needs now. He’s run a positive campaign since the beginning and he will govern in the same way he has run for office—by listening to all of you.

Middletown’s elected officials serve four-year terms, more than most towns, and a lot of good can happen in four years. But a lot of bad can also happen in four years. There are going to be plans set in motion for the riverfront that once started, cannot be undone. We’ve got one shot at getting this right, and I trust Ben’s leadership and vision on this endeavor.

Ben has made education central to his campaign. But Ben knows that education does not start in kindergarten and end in high school. We need to support universal pre-k so all students have an equal opportunity to succeed. However, we also need to fully support our local adult education program. Not all students graduate from high school, and adult education provides individuals with a second chance at success. When a student earns a GED or high school diploma or learns to speak English, new doors open to these students. With a small investment in these adults, Middletown would reap the benefits down the line. It takes about $10,000 a year to educate each K-12 student. However, it takes about $1,000 to educate an adult education student for one year. Think about that return on investment—for $1,000, Middletown now has residents that can go find jobs or better paying jobs, purchase cars and homes, spend their money in shops and restaurants and then pay back that $1,000
investment in taxes.

A vote for Ben is a vote for a riverfront that works for all of our residents and continued support for education, pre-k to adult.

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