Monday, October 28, 2019

Saturday: Godfrey Memorial Library - Genealogy Club

Date: Saturday, November 02, 2019
Time: 9:30 - 11:00 am
Where: Godfrey Memorial Library, 134 Newfield Street
Topic: “Doing Genealogy Research at the Mystic Seaport Museum”
Speaker: Paul O’Pecko, V.P. of Research Collections & Library Dir., Mystic Seaport Museum

Paul O’Pecko will be joining us to talk to us about the museum’s resources of interest to genealogists and family historians, and how and when to access them. The museum’s Collections Research Center (CRC) is the nation’s leading maritime research facility. Located across the street from Mystic Seaport, the former J. Rossie Velvet Company houses the museum’s collections and offers safe and easy access to maritime researchers and scholars.

Artifacts at the CRC include more than two million examples of maritime art, tools, buildings, imprints and other documents, photographs, ship registers (1,000), audiotaped oral history interviews (600), videotaped interviews (200), and historic and contemporary maritime-related video footage (1.5 million feet). Don’t miss this great opportunity to learn more about one of Connecticut’s premier research facilities and how it can help genealogists and family historians.

Open to the public. Free to Godfrey Premium Members. $10 per session for all others. Attendees will have time after the presentation to do research at the library.

For more information, call (860) 346-4375

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