Thursday, October 3, 2019

Board of Ed Votes to Name New School, Beman Middle School

At a meeting that, as expected, was contentious, the Board of Education voted unanimously to name the new middle school, the Beman Middle School. The Beman family are well-known and well-regarded African American residents, descendants of slaves who founded the Cross Street Church, the Beman triangle of residential homes, among the first property to be owned by African-Americans in Middletown.  The family were well-known abolitionists and participants in the underground railroad.  The selected name will be delivered to Middletown's Common Council for approval.


  1. This action confirms that the Middletown BoE does not act on behalf of the residents of this city.
    This news comes just in time to elect new people who will represent the people that voted them in.

  2. Dear Anon @ 4:03 pm:

    Agreed that the vote of the BoE does seem be a different direction than how things might have gone in the past. I am one of those, however, that thinks this represents progress for Middletown.

  3. Congratulations to the Middletown Board of Education for making a decision on the naming of the new middle school. Let's just hope this issue will not become a political football in the municipal election. I have a funny feeling it will be judging by the first response. I remember reading that two candidates for public office opposed the name change of Woodrow Wilson Middle School to something new. I believe both of them were GOP candidates such as Candidate Giuliano & Candidate Hope Kasper.


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