Sunday, September 8, 2019

Opinion: Florsheim Nurtures The Best Of Our City

Submitted by Vickey Allen
I am proud to support Ben Florsheim’s candidacy for mayor of Middletown. His commitment to engaging the residents of Middletown in conversation as a partner, not a representative of a detached government entity, is an asset rarely found in today’s politics.

Often, politicians assume they know what their constituents need and act without consulting the people they claim to be helping. Ben is different. Instead of just telling Middletown residents what he will do as mayor, Ben proactively reaches out and asks how he can help support the good work already being done in our city. He seeks to work with residents and organizations, not decide for us.

Middletown is a diverse city in every way: socio-economically, racially, generationally—even geographically, with everything from farms to a bustling downtown within city limits! We need a mayor who values the full life of the city, not just the select few. Ben Florsheim’s commitment to supporting and growing the good already being done by our residents is the right approach to creating a better Middletown, and I look forward to voting for him on September 10.

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