Thursday, September 19, 2019

Climate Events Friday

Perhaps you will be in Hartford Friday, September 20 at noontime - the nearest event in the global climate strike is a rally at the statehouse.  There is more information at

There are several activities Friday at Wesleyan University timed to coincide with the week of youth-led climate actions.  There is a rally at noontime at the Usdan patio (Wyllys Avenue) for those who can't make it to Hartford:

A talk at 4:30 in Exley 150 (the Science Center, corner of Pine and Church Streets, first floor) will be titled "Tipping Points: Physical, Environmental, Social, and Personal":

The talk will be followed at 6 p.m. by a march into Middletown.

Those wanting to do a little brushing up on the climate crisis can refer to my recent post on the Eye.

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