Saturday, July 13, 2019

Friends of Russell Library Ends Year on High Note

Submitted by The Friends of Russell Library
The Friends of Russell Library finished the 2019 fiscal year with much to celebrate at its Annual Meeting.  Held in the library’s Hubbard Room, Friends members reviewed the year’s activities, which support a variety of programs at the Russell Library. The evening’s highlight came when Friends President Howard Rulnick announced the Friends had received a $10,000 donation from the Peach Pit Foundation.

Founded in 2005, the foundation is a private grant-making organization whose mission is to “plant seeds of opportunity” in the local community. “We are excited by the possibilities this donation represents. The Peach Pit Foundation has given us the opportunity to further expand our efforts to support the Russell Library and the important programs it brings to the City of Middletown,” Rulnick said.

After the election of officers for 2020-2022 (Howard Rulnick, President; Barrie Robbins-Pianka, Vice-President; Joan Fung-Tomc, Secretary; and Sandy Becker, Treasurer), Chief Public Services Officer Mary Dattilo thanked members for their dedication and support.  She also reviewed Russell Library’s achievements in the past year and offered a peek at what’s ahead.

For more information or to join the Friends, please call 860.347.2528, email, or stop by Russell Library’s Main Circulation Desk.

The Friends of Russell Library believes libraries play an essential part in creating and maintaining dynamic communities. Since its founding in 1983, the Friends has contributed more than $500,000, funding a wide range of educational and cultural programs.  Through monetary gifts, volunteerism and program support, and advocacy, it continually supports Russell Library’s objective: creating a community where learning, reading and imagination thrive through the free and open access to the information libraries provide. The Friends of Russell Library is a 501(c)(3) organization.

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