Thursday, May 23, 2019

Want to go solar?

The City of Middletown has just launched a Solar for All campaign through the CHEER (Comfortable, Healthy, Energy Efficient, and Renewable) initiative! 

 Connecticut’s Solar for All Program offers solar power with no money down and energy efficiency measures, helping all homeowners keep more of their hard-earned money while making their homes more comfortable. This initiative is financed through a public-private partnership between PosiGen Solar Solutions and the Connecticut Green Bank. Solar for All’s solar lease program opens solar to any homeowner in the state (living in Middletown not required).  There is no minimum income requirement and no credit approval required.

 Throughout the rest of May, June, and July, there will be homeowner workshops across the City and drop-in tabling at Russell Library. The next upcoming event is this Wednesday 5/22 at 5:30 PM at South Fire Station.  For more information about the program and other upcoming events, visit

 Please contact Michael Harris, City Energy Coordinator, with questions:

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