Tuesday, January 8, 2019

City Awarded Sustainable CT Bronze Award

Modified from City Press Release.
Along with twenty-one other Connecticut towns and cities, our city was recently recognized as a
Sustainable CT certified community, earning a Bronze certification. The announcement was made at the annual conference of the Connecticut Conference of Municipalities in November. The
awards ceremony, attended by hundreds of municipal leaders from across the state, marked the successful completion of the first year of Sustainable CT, a statewide initiative that inspires and supports efficient, resilient, and inclusive practices at the local level.

The certification and plaque were presented to the City by Sustainable CT at last night's Common Council meeting. The Mayor and the two Councilmen currently serving on Middletown’s Clean Energy Task Force, Councilman Gerald Daley and Councilwoman Deborah Kleckowski received the plaque with Mayor Drew.

Along with the other newly certified towns, our city worked to demonstrate significant achievements in nine areas ranging from thriving local economies and vibrant arts and culture to clean transportation and diverse housing. In addition, all of the towns had to address diversity, inclusion, and equity when implementing sustainability actions.

Middletown was the first Connecticut municipality to join the program and has continued to display leadership in this area with this initial certification.

After the Clean Energy Task Force took the lead to join the program, a Sustainable CT Team emerged comprising task force members, City Hall staff, community volunteers and Ingrid Eck, an intern
funded by Wesleyan. The Team worked diligently throughout 2018 to accomplish the initial certification and expects to use that achievement as a base upon which additional sustainable initiatives will be rolled out, earning higher levels of certification this coming year and into the

For more information, visit www.sustainablect.org.

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