Saturday, January 19, 2019

Buttonwood Tree Supports Furloughed Federal Workers

From the Buttonwood Tree Performing Arts Center.
The Buttonwood Tree Performing Arts Center, in recognition of our current Government shut-down, is extending an open invitation to all Federal employees on furlough to attend the Center's events free of charge.

These are stressful times. Music, fellowship and laughter are important ways to balance our emotions and find inner peace. The Buttonwood Tree recognizes the importance of the Arts to maintain a healthy mental state, a positive outlook and to enable us to find creative solutions, especially important in these most-challenging days. We must come together in solidarity, as brothers and sisters, offering what we have to help each other, so we can all be our best selves and rise above the obstacles in our way.

Furloughed federal employees need only call us to reserve seats at (860) 347-4957.
Peace and creativity flourish at the vibrant Arts Center.
Here the granddaughter of the artist smiles proudly
to be part of Goodness created at The Buttonwood Tree.

Already board members of The Buttonwood Tree have stepped up to cover the fees for attending Federal workers. If you wish to contribute, simply contact us. We thank you in advance!

The Buttonwood Tree Performing Arts Center is located at 605 Main Street, Middletown, CT. Find out more at, on Facebook @buttonwoodtree or email us.

1 comment:

  1. Is it the little Cheetah!?

    Hi, little Cheetah!


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