Wednesday, November 14, 2018


The Vintage Players Ensemble Company performs an evening of one-act comedy pieces, You Know I Can’t Hear You When the Water’s Running by well-known playwright Robert Anderson and Israeli Security by Vintage Players alumna, Terri Klein.

Robert Anderson’s three short plays, directed by Carolyn Kirsch, introduce a variety of charming characters who, as befuddled as they may be, attempt to negotiate the human condition. The result is a mirror held up to our own behaviors, both recognizable and filled with humor.

Terri Klein’s one-act play, Israeli Security, directed by Jenny Lecce, presents the hilarious and heartwarming difficulties a Connecticut couple encounters at the El Al ticket counter.

The talented cast includes: Patricia Farrell, John Hall, Susan Hall, Nat Holmes, Debra Hunt, Billy Johnstone, Naomi Kamins, Richard
Kamins, Linda Kaskel, Terri Klein, Jenny Lecce, Gerry Matthews, and Jane McMillan. Lighting is by Tate Burmeister.

A musical interlude will feature Aidan and Dermot McMillan. Vintage Players alumnus Bob Alexander returns to sing several original songs with his daughter, Jennifer Alexander.

Oddfellows Playhouse is located at 128 Washington Street, Middletown. Performances on Friday, November 16 and Saturday, November 17 are at 7 pm.

All proceeds from these performances benefit the children’s programs at Oddfellows Playhouse. For over 40 years Oddfellows Playhouse has provided young people in the greater Middletown area with innovative theater programs that build their self-confidence and help them gain skills that facilitate success in other parts of their lives.

Tickets are $25 and may be obtained on the Oddfellows Playhouse website.  Reservations are strongly recommended. A reception follows each performance.  

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