Friday, July 27, 2018

The Buttonwood Tree Weekend Highlights and August Calendar

                     This weekend's highlights:

Norm Zamcheck, better known as the pianist, “Real Stormin’ Norman,” is a songwriter with a New Orleans flair to his work, although Norm has been writing music long before that. In fact, his life has been music since he was old enough to write lyric ideas on napkins in restaurants!

Boston-born and raised, Norm’s music has touched every corner of the American coasts more times than most people do in their lives! Having released an upwards of ten albums, both on his own, and as part of “Stormin Norman & Suzy”, another duo, his music has been lauded by big-name magazines like The Rolling Stone and The New York Times.

Mat Kastner is a down-to-Earth blues aficionado who plays slide, bluegrass and other roots-guitar styles, as well as electric guitar. He plucks regularly with the Washboard Slim and the Bluelights jug band, as well as the Will, Mat and Dan acoustic trio, and likes to sit in with bluegrass groups like Sweetcake Mountain. Mat has a lot of experience on his resume! Doesn’t he? The sheer number of venues he has performed at speaks of it.  In his early days, Matt played with groups that’d sprung from the New Haven area, such as The Morning, Randy Burns and the Skydog Band, Karen and the Pistons, The Homesick John O’Leary Band, and the Phabulous Pheromones.

Norm and Mat met at college, headed to Georgia with a psychedelic rock band called “Milkweed.” They have been collaborating together ever since, with Mat participating in the last four of Norm’s recording projects.

The pair recently made their Nashville debut, and are coming to Buttonwood to show us why Norman is nicknamed “Stormin’.”  Performing Friday with a bass player
Check out Norman’s site:
Find out more about Kastner from the Bluelights:

July 28th @ 8 - 10pm
Admission: $15

Cary didn’t mean to be a musician. But when her fiancĂ© unexpectedly died, she picked up his guitar, figured out how to play it, and wrote her debut, earning her the Billboard nod. “I wrote my grief into music and sang my way out of the abyss. I keep making music to help others connect with their own stories and find joy in their lives.”

Cary’s raw honesty and ability to connect with her audience through high-energy tunes, masterful storytelling, and deeply personal lyrics has made her one of the industry’s most sought after female singer-songwriters. Her message of unity and the power of raising our voices together infuses every show, and Cary’s “Sing Louder” has become an anthem for the music-loving community. And now, she's coming to Buttonwood to spread her musical message! 

July 30th @ 7 - 10pm 
Admission: $5

From accomplished artists to local talent, there's a place for everyone when we say "Anything goes!" Signups begin at 6:30pm. 

Moments of Gratitude is a short segment of time in which we invite you to share that which you are grateful for. Sharing out loud our gratitude causes it to grow and inspires and enriches all those in the room.

July 28th @ 10:30am - 12pm 

$10 suggested donation (Pay what you can)

This Week's Topic:  Healing Through The Music Of Your Soul
Music is the language of the Universe. Use it to connect, to guide, to heal. Come connect with our healing circle. 

In today’s environment it is sometimes difficult to see the Light.  The purpose of this workshop is to empower you to see yours. Annaita Gandhy, a spiritual & holistic guide from India, helps you do this!  Sharing her deep understanding of life, holism and spirituality, Annaita aims to help you rise above life’s challenges to live a healthy, fulfilled & abundant life.

Annaita is also available for personal counseling or Life Coaching. Contact TBT.

The Buttonwood Tree August Calendar - View or print HERE

The Buttonwood Tree Performing Arts & Cultural Center

605 Main Street / PO Box 71, Middletown, CT 06457
More info: / 
CONTACT: Anne-Marie McEwen - 860.347.4957

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