Saturday, June 23, 2018

The Buttonwood Tree Yesterday and Tonight

                       605 Main Street, Middletown     (860) 347-4957

Sharp 5 Jazz Ensemble


Saturday, June 23rd 

 8 - 10pm, $15 Admisson

Sharp 5 is an ensemble of musicians brought together through the love of jazz.
The band has a repertoire that includes many styles of jazz from Swing to Latin, Bebop to Cool, Blues to Funk. The five members of the ensemble create a warm and enticing sound and are not afraid to push the limits. 
Reserve your seat HERE



Stephan Allison came by to meet up with old friends, performing for Make Music Day: (left to right) Bob Gotta, Stan Sullivan and Kent Aldrich

Ted Paulsen performs outside for all at The Buttonwood Tree on Make Music Day 2018


Mark Kaplan performed killer sax with his jazz group, BadSlax to an enthusiastic audience! 

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