Saturday, May 12, 2018

Phipps Campaign Announces Record-Setting Fundraising

Modified from a press release from the campaign of Quentin Phipps.
Quentin “Q” Phipps has surpassed the Connecticut Citizens’ Election Program fundraising threshold in a record-breaking 24 hours. Phipps, who is running for the House of Representatives in the 100th House District, received small donations from nearly 270 individuals, for a total of $6500. He has met the qualifications for the number and amount of in-district donations.

The 100th District covers about half of our city, and is currently represented by Matt Lesser. Lesser is exploring a campaign for the 9th Senate District, currently represented by Paul Doyle, who is running for the state-wide office of Attorney General. Also running is long-time Common Councilman Bob Santangelo.

“In Middletown, we have been successful because of collaboration and teamwork. Such an immense outpouring of support in record time is humbling and overwhelming,” stated Phipps. “Our community banding together and defying the odds motivates me to continue working hard and hopefully be a voice for them in Hartford. I am encouraged to see the community empower me with their trust to work to create equitable solutions for all.”

The Citizens’ Election Program, funded by the Citizen’s Election Fund, provides financing to qualified candidates for statewide offices and the General Assembly. The voluntary program has specific qualification criteria and requirements.

The Phipps Campaign will host the first districtwide Day of Action on Saturday, June 2, 2018. Volunteers can sign up and learn more about Quentin’s run HERE.

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