Modified from a press release from Matt Lesser.
The General Assembly voted Wednesday to restore Middletown Area Transit’s funding, which the state Department of Transportation wanted to cut by 15 percent this year and 50 percent next year.
One of our two state representatives worked very hard on behalf of the region's few public transportation options. Matt Lesser said, “Cuts of this magnitude would have had a devastating effect on the local economy and people who rely on mass transit to get to work, to school or other important places in the Middletown area.”
In getting the funding, Lesser worked closely with Middletown Transit District Administrator Lisa Seymour, who feared not only cuts in vital services for residents but also jobs.
“Middletown Transit has been through so much this year. To know that we do not have to cut service is a great relief. I would like to thank the legislature, especially Representative Lesser, who has worked diligently side by side Middletown Transit to prevent these cuts. Many jobs will be saved and quality of life improved for our passengers by foregoing these cuts,” Seymour said.
Good work all who made this possible!