Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Earth Day Hike -- April 22, 2018

The Middletown Conservation Commission is sponsoring a hike at the Guida Farm Conservation Area on Earth Day -- Sunday, April 22nd. The hike will begin at 1:00 at the parking lot across from the T-intersection of Round Hill Road and Coleman Road.

The leaders will be Mike Thomas and Elisabeth Holder -- members of the Middletown Commission on Conservation and Agriculture. On our walk last spring, we saw frog eggs, a wood frog, an owl pellet, a sputnik-shaped fungus called cedar-apple rust, and several bird species. There are also unique and dramatic rock formations. Because some of the former hay fields have reverted to woodland, this site presents many opportunities to see how this process takes place.

There is also abundant evidence of invasive, non-native species – Japanese barberry, oriental bittersweet, and multiflora rose. We will hike the trails, show maps of the proposed water tower, and discuss our efforts to deal with invasive species on the site.

The hike will be suitable for all ages -- from school-aged children on up. Participants should wear sturdy shoes, long pants, warm jackets, and be sure to bring a water bottle. At the beginning and the end of the walk, copies of the updated Middletown Trail Guide will be available for purchase at a cost of $10.

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