Monday, March 12, 2018


Vintage Players presents “Outside Mullingar” by John Patrick Shanley at Oddfellows Playhouse on April 12 and 13. In an engaging romantic comedy, the award-winning author of “Doubt” and “Moonstruck” turns to his Irish roots. This funny and moving play spans five years in the lives of long-time rural neighbors as they negotiate family, farming, life, death, and romance.

The cast includes Nat Holmes, Linda Kaskel, Gerry Matthews, and Jane McMillan. The production is directed by Carolyn Kirsch, assisted by Ellie Howard. Lighting is by Tate Burmeister. Tom Cushing provides Irish musical interludes.

Oddfellows Playhouse is located at 128 Washington Street, Middletown. Performances of “Outside Mullingar” on Thursday, April 12 and Friday, April 13 are at 7:30 pm.

These performances benefit the children’s programs at Oddfellows Playhouse. For over 40 years Oddfellows Playhouse has provided young people in the greater Middletown area with innovative theater programs that build their self-confidence and help them gain skills that facilitate success in other parts of their lives.

Tickets are $25 and may be obtained by going to and clicking on “Shows and Events.”  Reservations are strongly recommended. The play runs 1 hour and 45 minutes with a short intermission. A reception follows each performance. 

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