Sunday, December 17, 2017

Local Families in Need Received Free Portraits During Global Holiday Event

From Community Health Center.
Community Health Center, Inc. (CHC) hosted a Help-Portrait event December 4th, participating in a global initiative to provide holiday portraits to needy families in the community. Sixty-four families were styled by volunteer makeup artists and hair stylists, and sat for professional photographs at no cost to the families.

Many families have never had family or holiday portraits taken, and Help-Portrait has empowered families all over the world by providing free holiday portraits since 2008. Professional photographers, makeup artists and hair stylists donate their talents and time to provide holiday portraits for those who otherwise might not be able to afford them.

“I look forward to this event every year,” said Margaret Flinter, CHC Senior Vice President and Clinical Director. “Many parents don’t have pictures of their family, and it’s important that everyone gets to feel special and beautiful, even if it’s just for this one day with us.”

CHC is dedicated to creating healthy communities by providing events and programs supporting the communities CHC serves. This was CHC’s fifth year hosting Help-Portrait in Middletown, and it has since provided portraits for hundreds of local families.

“We’re so happy at CHC to create an event for families who all are united in their love for their children and community,” said Flinter. “Watching families glow at the event, you can’t help but feel even more inspired to always be striving to create opportunity for their health, education, and success.”

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