Friday, December 29, 2017

Common Council To Consider Resolution to Investigate Office of the Mayor and Counsel

In a draft resolution, printed in the agenda for the Common Council meeting on January 2, the Council will discuss and vote on a resolution to investigate the office of Mayor Dan Drew, and the Office of the General Counsel.

The resolution (K), currently reads:

Approving a waiver of §78-10, Contracts for Professional Services, of Chapter 78 of the Middletown Code of Ordinances to allow for the hiring of an outside law firm or January 2, 2018 COMMON COUNCIL MEETING Page 4 professional organization to assist the Common Council in conducting an investigation of the Office of the Mayor and the Office of the General Counsel as well as in responding to the letters from members of UPSEU Local #6457 Union Executive Board; and approving that a subcommittee, comprised of the Majority Leader, Deputy Majority Leader, and Minority Leader, be appointed and authorized to sign an agreement on behalf of the Common Council to retain such outside law firm or professional organization and that a majority of signatures of said subcommittee shall suffice to authorize such an agreement; and authorizing that such agreement shall provide that a report of findings and recommendations shall be completed by such outside law firm or professional organization within sixty (60) days of execution of the agreement, unless such report date is extended by the Common Council; and authorizing that, in the event the investigation hereby authorized and instituted, discloses the involvement of any other Department, Office, or Agency of the City, the Common Council may amend this Resolution, and the agreement authorized hereunder, to include any such Department, Office, or Agency in the scope of such investigation.

The investigation is in response to formal complaints made by Board of Education Manager of Human Resource, Michele DiMauro that the mayor and the city attorney prevented a fair assessment of her request to have her job status re-evaluated.  She also complained that the mayor made disparaging remarks about her after she filed the complaint.

The mayor and the city attorney have denied the charges.


  1. Money abounds so long as one wants the right thing--investigations into spurious claims, yes; money to support education and childrens' programs, nuh uh.

    The thought of our mayor becoming the governor of Connecticut sure has some folks' desperate for ways to keep him down.

  2. This guy will stop at nothing to become governor. Rules, laws, protocols, even morals and anything decent mean nothing to him.

  3. Rules, laws, protocols, morals, things decent? What are you talking about, specifically? Your dislike for Mayor Drew's candidacy doesn't justify broad brush unfounded gossip.


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