Saturday, November 11, 2017

INTERFAITH Dinner: Festival of Gratitude, Sunday, Nov. 12, 4pm

Interfaith Festival of Gratitude
At Table, In Community

First Church in Middletown invites you to attend an INTERFAITH Festival of GRATITUDE, to share in our season of abundance and celebrate our interfaith connections. The interfaith supper takes place on Sunday, Nov. 12, at First Church in Middletown, 5-8 pm. 

This seasonable event features a table of sacred food, an interfaith panel discussion, educational displays, a food drive for Amazing Grace Food Pantry, and time for leisurely conversation with people of all faiths.  

Please bring a nourishing dish that reflects your spirituality, with a detailed list of ingredients to display for those who have food restrictions or allergies. ALSO, if you are able, please bring a can of food for Amazing Grace Food Pantry.

All Are Welcome
Dish or no Dish!

First Church in Middletown, 190 Court Street (side door).
For more information, please call 860-346-6657, or see us at 

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