Friday, October 27, 2017


Vintage Players presents “So Bea It,” an original piece written for the Company by Carolyn Kirsch. This quirky little comedy with a heart of gold will be performed at Oddfellows Playhouse on Saturday, November 18 at 7:30 pm and Sunday, November 19 at 3 pm.  

The cast includes Jane McMillan, Richard Kamins, Emma Kaskel, Linda Kaskel, Pat Farrell, Cookie Quinones, Gerry Matthews, Carolyn Kirsch, and Billy Johnstone. Mr. Johnstone, an accomplished New York actor with an extensive background on Broadway, is making his debut with the Company.

These performances benefit the children’s programs at Oddfellows Playhouse. For over 40 years Oddfellows Playhouse has provided young people in the greater Middletown area with innovative theater programs that build their self-confidence and help them gain skills that facilitate success in other parts of their lives.

Oddfellows Playhouse is located at 128 Washington Street, Middletown. Tickets are $25.00 and may be obtained by going to and clicking on “Shows and Events.”  Reservations are recommended. A reception follows the performances.  

Listen to Stephan Allison interview Carolyn Kirsch and Billy Johnstone about the production on River Valley Rhythms on Thursday, November 2, at 4 p.m. on WESU-FM radio.

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