Monday, October 9, 2017

Free Cooking Series to Feature Pumpkins and Winter Squash

We hope you can join us for the third and last session of our free Put Local on Your Plate Cooking Series on Pumpkins and Winter Squash, Thursday, October 12 (more details below). Home chef and author of the Grow.Eat.Smile recipe blog, Allison Russo, is excited to share some of her favorite recipes for the fall using winter squash. Using local produce to cook budget-friendly and family-friendly healthy meals is one of her passions! Please contact our office at 860-346-3282 with any questions and to sign up. 
 The Middletown Urban Agriculture Project is a community-based project to enhance and promote agriculture in the City, funded by a grant from the National Association of Conservation Districts. Project partners include Connecticut River Coastal Conservation District, Forest City Farms, Long Lane Farm, the City of Middletown, Middletown High School Agricultural Science and Technology Program, North End Action Team, the Macdonough and Farm Hill School Family Resource Centers, and the FoodCorps program.

The Connecticut River Coastal Conservation District Inc., a nonprofit organization based in Middletown, CT, works to conserve the natural resources of towns in the lower Connecticut River watershed and coastal areas. For more information about District technical and educational programs and services, visit our website and Facebook page. 

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