Friday, July 14, 2017

TONIGHT! Local Musicians Rani Arbo and Noah Baerman Perform at ARTFARM's First Friday Festival

Middletown-based theatre company ARTFARM presents it's First Friday Festival tonight with musical headliners Rani Arbo and Noah Baerman, rain or shine!
First Friday Festival celebrates the first weekend of the run of Hamlet in the Grove at Middlesex Community College with food, music, and remarks from sponsors. Music begins at 7:00pm, Hamlet begins at 8:00pm. 
Singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Rani Arbo is best known in the realm of folk and other roots music, while pianist/composer Noah Baerman is best known for his work as a jazz pianist and composer. Their shared commitment to music that is unflinching in its honesty, soul, and direct emotional potency is at the core of this collaboration. 
Inspired by this year's presentation of Hamlet, the program for this evening will revolve around the subject of mortality. Arbo and Baerman will both contribute original songs to set list as well as a traditional song or two, collectively exploring the subject in a variety of ways ranging from mournful to philosophical to uplifting. The inevitably diverse mix of styles will touch on blues, gospel, country, and more.
This event will take place RAIN OR SHINE. In case of inclement weather, both the musical performance and the show will take place in the rain space inside Chapman Hall. Don't miss out on this incredible first collaboration between two amazing local artists!

Hamlet runs Wednesday July 12th through Sunday July 23rd at 8:00pm at Middlesex Community College, 100 Training Hill Road, Middletown, CT. Tickets are $25 for adults and $15 for kids. For tickets and information, contact ARTFARM at (860) 346-4390, email, or go to
Shakespeare in the Grove 2017 is made possible by support from the Middletown Commission on the Arts, Pratt & Whitney, and generous donors and businesses. Shakespeare in the Grove is co-sponsored by Middlesex Community College.

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