Thursday, June 8, 2017

No More Fines for Youth at Russell Library!

Parents no longer have to worry about their children accruing
fines on their library cards.
Seeking to remove barriers to youth literacy, Russell Library will no longer charge late fines on youth accounts
With Summer Reading just around the corner, Russell Library is removing late fines for all youth library materials checked out on youth accounts (ages 0-17), effective June 12. Children's and young adult items will no longer be charged late fines.
The public library is a partner to youth, parents, families and caregivers from birth through high school. Exposing children early to a world rich with words, songs and play helps them become readers and succeed in school and in life. We proudly serve youth of all ages with high-quality books, fun and captivating programs, research resources, homework help, and caring staff who offer personal assistance.
“For many, late fines are a real barrier that stops children and families from using and benefiting from the resources the public library offers”, said Matt Poland, Library Director and CEO. “With the support of the Library Board, our library is changing this practice.”
Patrons of all ages will still be responsible for returning library material for others to use within 20 days of the due date, or be charged the replacement value of that item. 

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