Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Governor's Budget Proposal Favors City

Governor Malloy's latest budget provides a very large increase in state aid to our city, according to The CT Mirror. Middletown would receive  $9.2M more than last year's $31.8M.

This 28.9% increase is the 8th largest increase by percentage, of the state's 169 municipalities.

The final state budget is set by the state legislature, which may make significant changes to the Governor's proposal.

Last year, the legislature added a last-minute, special appropriation to the budget bill, turning what would have been a $3.1M decrease into a $2M increase in state funding (Eye article).

This year, one of the sources of new revenue for our city would be a hospital tax. If the legislature, as expected, eliminates such a tax, then Middletown's increase in revenue would fall to $2.2M.

The Common Council approved a budget for the city at their meeting last night. They used last year's number for the state revenue. Any increase or decrease in that number would lead to adjustments in our city's budget.

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