Tuesday, March 7, 2017

One Book on the Riverbend Announces 2017 Title

The title for the 2017 One Book on the Riverbend is The Boys in the Boat: Nine Americans and Their Epic Quest for Gold at the 1936 Berlin Olympics by Daniel James Brown.

Brown tells the story of the University of Washington’s 1936 eight-oar crew and how the team raced its way to the Berlin Olympics.   

The team of working class boys defeated the elite teams from other universities, and faced off with the German crew rowing for Adolf Hitler in the Berlin Olympics of 1936.

One Book on the Riverbend is composed of various organizations, schools, and public libraries of Cromwell, Portland and Middletown to promote literacy and community by the joy of sharing a good book.   

Books may be borrowed at one of the three public libraries, online or at the circulation desk. A wide range of programs are being planned to dovetail with the themes which are integral to the story.

For more information about how your book group or organization may get involved, contact Christy Billings, cbillings@russelllibrary.org or call (860) 347-2520.

1 comment:

  1. This is an excellent choice because there is so much complexity to the story. History, interpersonal relationships, personal perseverance and team effort are ripe for discussion. Does the library have many copies available for loan?


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