Friday, January 20, 2017

Tonight: Bill of Rights Performance in Wesleyan Memorial Chapel

Neely Bruce, Professor of music at Wesleyan, wrote an acclaimed composition that set the United States' Bill of Rights to music. This composition was premiered in Wesleyan Memorial Chapel in September 2005.

On Friday 20 January from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. some singers who have done this piece many times, along with a handful of instruments, will hold an OPEN REHEARSAL of this piece, as a reminder of this precious text.

WHAT: Rehearsing "The Bill of Rights," singers and auditors welcome (music will be provided) 
WHERE: Wesleyan Memorial Chapel
WHEN: Friday 20 January, 2017, from 7:30 to 9:30

Neely writes:
If you would like to be cheered, please join us. Perhaps some of you would like to sing along. ... I would love it if you could help me spread the word. This is not a performance, but some folks might like listen. But participation, and celebration of the Bill of Rights, is the thing. It seems to me, and my fellow singers, that this country needs to be CONSTANTLY reminded of this text in the next four years.

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