Friday, January 6, 2017

CHC Minimum Wage Is Now $18 Per Hour

From the Community Health Center.
The minimum wage for employees at Community Health Center, Inc., (CHC) one of the nation’s largest community health centers, rises to $18 per hour on January 1, 2017.

CHC began evaluating its salary structure approximately five years ago for entry level workers. The health center recognized that along with its mission, “Health Care is a right and not a privilege”, there was also the commitment to social and economic justice. One of the clear findings of the evaluation showed Connecticut is an expensive place to live and the entry wage needed to reflect this fact.  CHC commenced increasing its minimum wage four years ago and each year has added to that minimum amount prudently. 

“As part of our mission, CHC strives to be a voice and vehicle for social change, and we believe paying a living wage helps us achieve that purpose,” says Mark Masselli, president and CEO of CHC.

Masselli thanked the agency’s Board of Directors for its vision and support in this area and noted, “We are focused on providing world-class healthcare with a world-class staff, and encourage anyone who shares these values to learn more about us at”


  1. Thank you Mark Masselli. Amazing combination of progressive vision and fairly simple arithmatic.
    Makes me proud.


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