Tuesday, November 29, 2016

"Giving Back" at The Buttonwood Tree

Theresa Govert, Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) with Yoga Alliance and a feminist activist based out of East Haddam, CT, seeking to make the gift of yoga accessible to a greater amount of people, is offering weekly yoga classes to GIVE BACK. She has fond memories of attending community yoga classes at The Buttonwood Tree when she was in high school and believes TBT is the perfect place to reach those in need.

Theresa has studied and practiced meditation and yoga in the USA and Southern Africa and completed her 200 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh, India at Rishikesh Yog Peeth. Along with group classes and individual sessions, she leads workshops bringing together yoga, feminism & activism and yoga hikes.

Classes will be held TUESDAYS from 1-2 pm at TBT
605 Main Street, Middletown
All are welcome, bring a mat if possible. Water & snacks are available
Donations are appreciated to support The Buttonwood Tree
860.347.4957  www.buttonwood.org




  1. Anne-Marie C. McEwenNovember 30, 2016 at 2:51 PM

    Thanks to Theresa for a gentle, simple class of stretching and intentionally breathing that helped us all to feel better physically and mentally. We left ready to face the rest of the day with a happy heart!

  2. Writing as a yoga snob, I affirm that this yoga session is worth attending. The teacher is relaxed but confident, and the moves are challenging enough to keep one's attention. Not appropriate for yoga gymnasts, but a mid-day yoga stretch in the quiet light of Buttonwood. By donation. Very good.


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