Tuesday, October 25, 2016

One Week Left To Register Online, By Mail, and In-Person

From the Secretary of the State.
With the November 1 deadline to register to vote online, by-mail or in-person just one week away, Secretary of the State Denise Merrill is urging everyone still unregistered to get engaged.

Secretary Merrill said, “More people are registering to vote in Connecticut than ever before. My message to anyone still unregistered is: join them! Make your voice heard on November 8! If you think you are already registered, please go to myvote.ct.gov to make sure it is up to date.” 

Citizens have until the November 1 deadline to register to vote online, by mail or in-person. Election Day registration is in effect on November 8, though lines are expected to be long.

For more information about registering to vote, go to: myvote.ct.gov.

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