City residents are invited to attend a planning session for
Harbor Park with the Middletown Garden Club, the City of Middletown Planning
Department, and the Conway School of Landscape Design.Two sessions will be held:
Thursday, May 5, at 6:30 pm at the Senior/Community Center,
63 Durant Terrace, and
Thursday, June 9, at 6:30 pm in the Hubbard Room of Russell
Library, 123 Broad Street.
A team of graduate students from the Conway School have
taken on the project of interpreting the community’s vision of an improved
Harbor Park; the project is under-written through the Susan B. Wasch Riverfront
Development Fund, which is managed by the Middletown Garden Club. The goal is
to increase usage of the park and expand opportunities to enjoy the waterfront
through active and passive access to natural resources.
This is a win-freakin'-win for me -- I'm really eager to see Harbor Park made better-looking (and just generally better, although I'm sure I'll look back and say, "Remember when Harbor Park was so plain and simple and hard to get to?") and I've been meaning to check out the senior center that was controversial for a while.