Tuesday, March 22, 2016

High School Students Make Most of “Experience College Day” at MxCC

Nearly 200 local high school students “took over” Middlesex Community College today so they could truly experience life as a college student for a day.  The students came from 11 area high schools and spent the day in lecture halls and labs, walking throughout the 38-acre campus, enjoying lunch in Chapman Hall, and taking part in presentations in the beautiful Pavilion, which features floor-to-ceiling windows that overlook a large deck and campus woods.  The “Experience College Day” event allowed potential students to talk to current students and faculty, and get a much more personal look inside all the College offers.  As an added benefit, MxCC waived the application fee for any student who submitted a completed application to the College during the event.

The event was held during MxCC’s spring break so the high school students could explore the campus without interrupting any ongoing academic work.  MxCC faculty volunteered their time to return to campus during break and present sample half-hour lectures to students on subjects including biology, bio-technology, business, early childhood education, engineering, manufacturing, fine arts, new media, and veterinary technology.  MxCC students also participated as guides to help high school students navigate the campus, share their experiences, and answer questions.  Additionally, MxCC staff was on hand to help with application forms, to provide information about financial aid, and to explain academic and other support services and campus life.

“This event goes much further than a traditional open house or campus tour as the high schoolers really are treated as college students for a day,” explained Gayle Barrett, MxCC’s director of admissions.  “They get to see what our classrooms look like, experience some of the wonderful technology we use every day, and take a look inside some of our impressive labs.  We are so glad our area high schools support this event, and we hope many of these students choose MxCC as the first step in their academic careers.”

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