Friday, February 19, 2016

West African Dance: A Workshop with Abdou Sarr at Russell Library

Abdou Sarr

On Sunday, February 21, 2:00pm in The Hubbard Room of the Russell Library Abdou Sarr will give a workshop and demonstration of West African dances. Mr. Sarr is a master teacher of the sabaar and djembe dances from Senegal, West Africa will be giving a demonstration/workshop in the Hubbard Room. Abdou Sarr is an extraordinarily dynamic performer. He is currently dancing and teaching in arts-in-education settings in the Northeast. Mr. Sarr teaches private classes, and performs with several artist groups. The workshop contains much more than learning Senegalese Djembe or Sabaar dances. The students’ experience will include learning and practicing West African dancing, some singing or call and response, hearing about Abdou Sarr's childhood in Senegal, why he values education and why he dances. He will also teach some basic Wolof phrases.
All ages and abilities are welcomed. Drop-in, no registration.
This program is being sponsored with funds from The Friends of the Russell Library.

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