Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Free Photo for Job Seekers at Russell Library

On Thursday, December 3 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Russell Library’s Jobs and Careers Program will offer a free photo session for job seekers. The resulting photo may be used for LinkedIn accounts and other professional sites. People are asked to dress as they would for an interview.

A professional LinkedIn profile can increase your visibility online and help you be located by a potential employer. With a complete LinkedIn profile, your skills can be validated by others with whom you network. It is a valuable tool in the search for a job or career.

A photo will help that potential employer recognize you, particularly if you’ve met them before. It can also be used for introducing yourself to employers who may not otherwise look at your profile. A professional image can be a statement of welcome.

Russell Library’s own Jason Neely has taken hundreds of great head shots, and knows how to get a great photo. He is assisted by Bob Carlson, also on staff at the library, who sets up the best lighting and background so that you can look your best. The photos are accomplished within five to ten minutes. If you do not understand how to upload them to your LinkedIn account, a librarian can help you.

This program is a drop-in program, and does not require registration. People are served on a first-come, first-served basis.

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