Saturday, November 21, 2015

The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe at Russell Library!

Watch the book come to life at the Russell Library!

On Sunday, November 22 at 1:30 pm. The Hampstead Stage Company will present The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe, their first installment in their series of adaptations of the beloved Narnia saga by C.S. Lewis. 
Step with them through the door of an old wardrobe and enter a snowy world laced with fantasy and wonder.  There you will meet quite the cast of magical creatures as you accompany two intelligent and imaginative children, Lucy and Edmund, on their adventures.  This delightful story is entertainment for the whole family, while still providing insight about the emotional climate of childhood during World War II.  Additionally, the play uses elements of traditional English folklore, Greek mythology, and of course 20th century literature to educate the audience.
Drop-in, no registration. 
The Hubbard Room, Russell Library, 123 Broad St., Middletown. Ages: 5 and up. 
 Sponsored by The Friends of The Russell Library.

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